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Past Exhibitions

Halloween Pop-Up Exhibition

Yarn Bombing Millie

Dream Machine: Fantasy, Surreality, and Play

[RE]POSE: Leisure Bodies and Empowered Postures

The Ulrich Co-Lab | Phase 2

Word, Thread and The Magnolia

Fully Dimensional: Artists of the Outdoor Sculpture Collection

Urban Canvas | Exploring Muralism in Wichita

The Ulrich Co-Lab, Phase 1

MLK Day Pop-Up Exhibition

Where We Belong: Refugee Stories from Wichita

chro•ma [kroh-muh]

Zahy Tentehar: Karaiw a'e wà  (The Civilized)

Lesley Dill, Wilderness: Light Sizzles Around Me

Artists at Work: The Ulrich Staff Creates

In Event of Moon Disaster

Susan Copich: Staged Stories

Micala Gingrich Gaylord: Love Is Memory

Tuan Andrew Nguyen: The Boat People

Nature in the Floating World: Images of Nature in Japanese and Chinese Art

Transmissions: XXIV Faculty Biennial

Sarah Alsaied | The Flint Hills: A Tapestry of Color and Form

Cheryl Pope: Variations on a Love Theme

Myths of the West: Narrating Stories of the Land and People through Wichita Art Collections

Reemergence and Reconnecting: A Youth Arts Council Takeover

Deep Dive: Selections from the Permanent Collection

Ann Resnick | Chapter & Verse

Annabel Daou | DECLARATION

Eija-Liisa Ahtila | The Annunciation

Eija-Liisa Ahtila | The Bridge

Love in the Time of the Anthropocene

Look, it’s daybreak, dear, time to sing

On Vacation! From the Permanent Collection

Art Is a Superpower!

Renée Stout | Ghosts

The XXIII Faculty Biennial: It's All Part of the Process

Solving for X = Identity | Sharing Matrilineal Memories at WSU

Gordon Parks | I, too, am America

Alice Aycock in the Studio

Ulrich + Artists + You
Community Billboard Project

A.P. Vague: Digital Palimpsests

Solving for X = Representation

Zoe Beloff: Emotions Go to Work

Lee Adler: A Mad Man Amid the Machines

Clay Currents: The Wichita National Ceramics Invitational

Solving for X = Accessibility | Guide Beacon

Teachable Moments:
The XXII Faculty Biennial

Lowell Nesbitt: Apollo, 1969

Kevin Mullins:
Fire in the Paint Locker

In the Wake

Solving for X = Sustainability

Burnt Generation

Sara Angelucci:
The Anonymous Chorus

Frederick Judd Waugh: Waterscapes

Neighborhood: PALIMPSEST /

Monday-Saturday 11am-5pm 
Closed Sundays, University & Major Holidays | Free Admission | 316.978.3664
1845 Fairmount; Wichita, KS 67260-0046
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