The Ulrich Museum of Art is governed by its parent organization, Wichita State University. The Museum director reports to the Executive Vice President and Provost.
Museum direction is also guided by the Ulrich Advisory Board, composed of no more than 25 university and community leaders. The Advisory Board reports to the WSU Foundation, which holds legal title to the Museum’s art collection, and it is empowered by Wichita State University to serve as the Museum’s de facto governing body. The long-term purposes and policies of the Museum are subject to review by the Kansas Board of Regents.
The Ulrich benefits from a second support group. The Ulrich Museum Alliance, an association of no more than 18 individuals, supports the Museum by providing active volunteers who are committed to:
Members: Saroj Arab, Michelle Bastian, John Carnahan, Justin Elkouri, Genevieve Farha, Trish Higgins, Tracy Hoover, Deb McArthur, V. Kaye Monk-Morgan, Kate Nicholson, Donna Perline, Janel Razook, Chris Shank, Jennifer Skliris, Keith Stevens, Craig Thompson, Jan Twomey, Peri Widener
Ex Officio: Vivian Zavataro, Dr. Elizabeth H. King, Dr. Rodney Miller, Dr. Shirley Lefever, Ann Marie Siegwarth, Pam Bjork, Lynn Nichols