5:30 P.M. Reception | 6:15 P.M. Program. Dan Cameron’s professional career began in 1982 with his New Museum exhibition, Extended Sensibilities, the first museum effort in the U.S. to examine gay and lesbian identity in art. In the intervening 40 years, Cameron has held senior curatorial positions at the New Museum, Orange County Museum of Art, and CAC New Orleans. In 2008, he was the founder of Prospect New Orleans, the contemporary art triennial to benefit the city after Hurricane Katrina. Cameron has organized biennials and other major exhibitions around the world, authored hundreds of published texts on contemporary art, and taught and lectured at countless museums and universities. “For the first half of my 40-year career as a curator, I was mostly concerned with the mechanics of getting things right: the historical/political context, selection of works, interpretive texts, exhibition layouts, etc. But shortly after the start of the century, I found myself becoming more interested in the social impact of curatorial practice, and how exhibitions might function as intentionally beneficial forces whose impact can extend outside the parameters of the art world. To expand on that theme, my talk will focus on my curation of the Istanbul Biennial (2003), Taipei Biennial (2006), Prospect.1 & .2 New Orleans (2008, 2011), the California-Pacific Triennial (2013), Bienal de Cuenca (2016), Kinesthesia (2017), and Open Spaces Kansas City (2018), as well as in terms of a response to the Movement for Black Lives.” Click here to learn more about Salon Circle.