Home is definitely wherever the mom is. My mother's family moved frequently during her childhood. I don't have a lot of memories of my mother's childhood home but I do have many memories of ... Read More
Home is definitely wherever the mom is. My mother's family moved frequently during her childhood. I don't have a lot of memories of my mother's childhood home but I do have many memories of ... Read More
My mother's home had many shades of brown and orange. I remember the smells of musk perfume and Virginia Slim cigarettes. My mother's home was cozy and carpeted. Dinners consisted of meat, a vegetable, and often peaches and cottage cheese. My mother's home was comfort and swimming all summer. There was also tension from my angry stepfather.
My grandmother served my grandfather dinner in the den so he could watch TV. She went to bed with a red plastic cup of water by her bedstead (she slept separately from my grandpa) and wore a polyester red nightgown. Her house was acceptance and unconditional love. Sleepovers meant she would rub my back until I fell asleep. Homemade food.