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Ann Resnick | Chapter & Verse

January 27, 2022 — May 7, 2022

Ann Resnick has been making conceptually complex and visually sumptuous art for over forty years. She starts with the personal—her own family history, marriage, broad reading tastes, and friendships with a large circle of correspondents near and far. She then turns the raw materials of her life into deeply moving universal ruminations on loss and remembrance, the need to capture intangible emotional ties through tangible objects, and the beauty that can be found in the awareness of the finitude of our time on earth. Ann is also a pillar of contemporary art in Wichita who has worked for twenty-five years as a gallerist, activist, and exhibiting artist to benefit our community. Shown nationally and internationally, however, much of her work has never been seen in Wichita. This exhibition will present the highlights of her artistic career going back to the 1990s, showcasing her inventiveness in a variety of media, painstaking dedication to her craft, and ability to create beauty and meaning out of the most basic facts of every human life.

This exhibition and associated programs are generously supported by Stev Overstreet; Trish Higgins; Sondra Langel; Keith and Georgia Stevens; Lee and Ron Starkel; and Connie Bonfy. The Ulrich is grateful for the ongoing support of Salon Circle members who make the Museum’s exhibitions and programs possible through their Salon memberships. We also receive funding for general operational support from the City of Wichita.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thursday: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Closed Sundays and Mondays, University & Major Holidays | Free Admission | 316.978.3664
1845 Fairmount; Wichita, KS 67260-0046
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