This print also interrogates the connection between womanhood and nature. Pictured are a woman’s hands, grasping at a stone surface. The hands exude energy as colorful rays of light. They appear to be part of the landscape itself. The energy emanating from the woman seamlessly blends with the plant-like objects in the landscape, creating a sense of ambiguity between the human and environmental elements in the print. The bracelet on the woman’s right wrist, from which an eye jarringly looks out at the viewer, acts as a sort of third eye, part of the tactile “vision” of the two hands. One wonders whether the “auto vision” in the print’s title references the corporeal vision of the hands or the spiritual vision of the eye. Both forge a strong connection between the woman and her natural environment.
Juana Alicia, American, born 1953
Auto Vision, 1995
Print | Screen print on paper
Gift of the Women’s Studies Program WSU