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a brightly colored abstract painting

Rights and Reproductions

This website is a resource created for educational use. Materials copyrighted solely by the Ulrich Museum of Art (e.g., descriptions of works of art) may be reproduced under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial license. Images of collection works on this website, although owned by the Ulrich Museum of Art, may be protected by third-party copyright, publication rights, or other related interests. The Museum does not warrant that reproduction of an artwork image will not infringe on the rights of third parties. It is the responsibility of the user to determine and obtain all permissions that may be required from the artist, the artist’s agent and/or estate, or any other third-party rights holder before use. Where possible, the Ulrich Museum has tried to establish the copyright status of works in its collection; however, the Museum does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. The information we have concerning the copyright status of an object appears on the object page if known.

If you would like to obtain high resolution images of works from the Ulrich collection for educational, scholarly, or publication purposes, please contact Taryn Trapani, Registrar and Collections Manager. The Ulrich reserves the right to deny any reproduction requests. Images will be sent upon receipt of payment. Please send one copy of the resulting publication or other product to Registrar and Collections Manager Taryn Trapani.

Rights and Reproductions Fee Guide

Rights and Reproductions Request Form

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thursday: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Closed Sundays and Mondays, University & Major Holidays | Free Admission | 316.978.3664
1845 Fairmount; Wichita, KS 67260-0046
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