5:30 P.M. Reception | 6:00 P.M. Poetry Reading. Join us for the release of the new book of poems by award-winning poet and WSU professor Sam Taylor.
At once poem, essay, memoir fragment, and art object, The Book of Fools: An Essay in Memoir and Verse is a sweeping elegy for our Earth—and our plastic-choked oceans. Visually arresting and formally innovative, The Book of Fools marries global, ecological themes of loss, centered around the Great Pacific Garbage Gyre, to personal, confessional ones, surrounding a mother’s early death to cancer. “A masterwork,” says David Keplinger; “[a] ravishing text” adds Donald Revell. And the poet-critic Craig Santos Perez says, “Taylor brilliantly creates a ‘composite canvas’ to capture what it means to make art in our precarious times.”