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Museum from Home Resources

We're excited to offer several wonderful resources to help you stay connected to the arts—and the Ulrich Museum—during these difficult times of self-distancing. Whether you're trying to develop lesson plans and activities for your kids, or just interested in furthering your own learning, stay connected to our website and our social media platforms for regular features meant to entertain and inform you as we get through this challenging period.

Among the resources now available:

Outdoor Sculpture Collection Coloring Pages. Need something to keep the kids busy? Or maybe you just need to escape from the news. If so, print out our Outdoor Sculpture Collection Coloring Pages, featuring some of your favorite pieces from our world-class Martin H. Bush Outdoor Sculpture Collection. Once you've finished coloring, feel free to share it with us at We'll show off your masterpieces on social media!

A close up of a sign

Paper Sculpture Manual. Based on the traveling exhibition The Paper Sculpture Show (2003-07), curated by Mary Ceruti, Matt Freedman, and Sina Naja , and organized by Cabinet, Independent Curators International, and Sculpture Center.

Twenty-nine international artists and artist collaboratives each contributed a design for a three-dimensional sculpture that could be assembled out of paper by museum visitors. Click here for the manual.




A screenshot of a cell phone

Ulrich Staff Selections on YouTube. Our staff members introduce you to excerpts from some of their favorite recorded talks on our YouTube channel. Once you've viewed the Staff Selection, be sure to head to our YouTube channel and check out the artist talk in its entirety!

Meet Me in the Vault. What's your favorite work of art in our permanent collection? Explore our new Collection Portal, choose your favorite piece, and email us your name, the artist and title, and your reasons for choosing it. We'll share your picks across our social media platforms! #MeetMeintheVault @ulrichmuseum.

From all of us at the Ulrich, stay safe and healthy and keep in touch.

Monday-Saturday 11am-5pm 
Closed Sundays, University & Major Holidays | Free Admission | 316.978.3664
1845 Fairmount; Wichita, KS 67260-0046
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